Many Voices

Many Voices

An eerie feeling within me,
Is a voice of bondage but I seek to be free,
Loneliness attacks like the tide of the Sea,
Many voices in my head I don't know which should be…

I look around my surroundings,
Searching for more clues and findings,
Trying to understand the world and its workings,
Simply bound by these curious feelings…

My soul feels trapped in my body,
I seek a deeper expression,
My mien is calm not ruddy,
A turbulent mind was never my intention…

Should I go? Should I stay?
Is it this path? Or is that the right way?
Would yes be better or should I say nay?
Unending questions and suggestions has become my mental pay…

There's  none to turn to,
Exploitation, the vast majority's goal
Sincerely I've wandered to and fro,
None seems to fit in for a sacrificial role…

The world is upside down,
This is making my soul's effort frown,
None seems to strive for that eternal crown,
Brandishing thoughts and acts that will cause their souls to drown…

Voices without and within,
Whispering proposals clean and unclean,
If I ain't careful will be swept off my feet,
Must on the sofa of GOD'S instructions compel my acts to sit…

Many voices within my head
From the moment I'm awake till when I'm again in bed,
Moral instructions must with my soul wed,
Must ensure my mind is with GOD'S statutes well fed…

The narrow way is a path that seems not easy,
But bondage ain't comparable to being free,
The cheese for the rat is always kept within the trap,
The path of least resistance will thorns and thistles its captives wrap…

Many voices within my head,
To stand upon the truth I can't be scared,
What you focus on will determine your choices,
The world is full of suggestions coming from many voices…

PoetonicElla #AllRightsReserved


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